Cultivating Freshness:
Trezoro's In-House Microgreens

Our very own microgreen garden.

A secret to elevating the flavors of our dishes, microgreens are young, tender, and packed with intense flavors. But what's even more captivating is that we grow them right here, within our four walls.

Microgreens are a world of vibrant tastes and vibrant colors. They're not typical greens; they're the epitome of freshness.

Our microgreen garden is an oasis of greens in the heart of our kitchen. Nestled in trays, these tiny powerhouses of nutrition bask in the warm glow of specialized grow lights.

At Trezoro, it's not just about serving food; it's about crafting culinary experiences. Our in-house microgreens are a testament to our dedication to providing you with nothing but the best.

When you dine with us, you taste the essence of freshness, one microgreen at a time.